Madisonville Tennessee Wastewater Treatment Groundbreaking Ceremony
McGill Associates is proud to be a part of this exciting new wastewater treatment plant project for the City of Madisonville, TN. Joel Storrow and Steve Barbian attended the groundbreaking ceremony on June 9, where Mayor Glen Moser hosted the celebratory event. The much needed new plant is expected to not only improve the lives and well-being of the community, but also to bring new industry and growth to the City. Kind and enthusiastic words were spoken by the many who have been involved, including City officials; Joe Woody, USDA representative, and Joel Storrow, President of McGill Associates.
McGill Associates has been involved with this project since its inception nearly 7 years ago. Our team provided funding and permitting assistance, design engineering, bidding, and construction phase services for the new wastewater treatment plant for the City of Madisonville. The new facility will treat an average flow of 1.75 MGD and include a new headworks with fine screens, oxidation ditches, secondary clarifiers, sludge pumping, chlorine contact basins, solids dewatering, and administration facilities and controls. The project included permitting of a new NPDES wastewater plant discharge and outfall into Tellico Lake and is planned to be designed and constructed in two phases. The new plant is expected to be in use by June 2017.