McGill Associates Assists Local Governments with CDBG, DWSRF Funding for Water Infrastructure
Governor Announces $119 Million in CDBG, CWSRF, and DWSRF Funding
Gov. McCrory recently announced awarded $119 million in CDBG, Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) to protect North Carolina’s drinking water through reliable and safe infrastructure through NCDEQ’s State Water Infrastructure Authority. McGill Associates assisted several government clients with applying for these funding opportunities to improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure to provide a public health service to local communities. We are pleased to have assisted the following clients with these improvement projects, which were recently approved by Gov. McCrory for funding:
- Town of Troy: $554,383 for a water and sewer replacement project, funded through CDBG.
- Town of Andrews: $2,000,000 for the Payne Street Area Sewer Improvement project, funded through CDBG.
- Town of Long View: Shuford Area Water and Sewer Replacement project, funded through CDBG.
- Town of Canton: $2,464,200 for the Crossroad Hill Water Association Water System Consolidation Project, funded through DWSRF
- City of Bessemer City: $2,317,400 for water line replacements, DWSRF.
- City of Oxford: $3,139,200 for a water storage tank and associated water mains, funded through DWSRF.
- Total this round of funding = $12,440,883
Visit our consulting services page to learn more about how we can help get funding for your next project or send us an email at info@mcgillassociates.com.