McGill’s Knoxville Office Shows Success in Jefferson City
The Jefferson City Industrial Complex Site Closes in on Completion

McGill’s Knoxville, Tennessee office is our gateway to eastern Tennessee and works closely with many public and private clients throughout the area. Through our projects and partnerships in the area, we have had the honor of assisting communities with services in all practices. One such project with great success is our work with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD), and the City of Jefferson City on the Jefferson City Industrial Complex site located between Highway 11E and Odyssey Road in Jefferson City.
Jamie Carden, PE, Principal and Knoxville Office Manager, along with other McGill staff, worked closely with City leadership and the City’s Industrial Development Board to secure grant funding through TNECD’s Site Development Grant (SDG) program and TVA’s Invest Prep program for the project. The team developed the initial environmental review, preliminary engineering report, and final construction plans and specifications to submit to the respective funding agencies. After a positive funding award from both agencies, construction drawings were developed, permitted, and bid for nearly 40 acres of 4 large building pads and 1,450 linear feet of access road. Once under construction, our team continued to work with the client to ensure all project objectives and timelines were being met during construction observation and administration phase services until the project completion in mid-June 2021.

“The Jefferson City project was a very good investment for the City of Jefferson City and Jefferson City Industrial Board. Both local governing bodies have a strong desire to continue industrial growth in the Lakeway area and Jefferson County. This opportunity with TVA and TNECD funding for the development of this large tract provides an immediately attractive industrial site during this current economic upstart. Located within seven miles of Interstate 40 (Exit 417), the newly developed property is pad-ready with an adjacent water storage tank, has on-site access to rail, and opens up additional, undeveloped land for continued industrial development. With unused construction funds, an added phase of work is underway to provide a sewer trunk line for the entire tract and adjacent undeveloped properties. With the economy recovering, the City of Jefferson City and the Jefferson City Industrial Board have a big jumpstart on many other municipalities with this endeavor, and I am glad our team was able to help in the process,” said Jamie Carden, PE, about the project.
With the firm’s familiarity of the area and having completed many similar projects, McGill is excited to see another successful completion with this project. To learn more about recent work in Tennessee, check out our case study on a transmission line relocation. To find out more about how the McGill team can help you with your project, please email